Energetic healing

Every person lives because the Universal life energy that flows through him/her. The life energy is our life force, our radiance. This energy is not only in our body, but also as an energy field, a light field of colors around us. We call this an aura. The aura is an oval protective shell around our physical body.
The color, shape and size of the aura is constantly changing and tells something about a person's physical and mental state. This energy field also contains the energy wheels, the chakras, which absorb the life energy from the Cosmos and from the earth. They distribute the energy all over the body. They are found on the midline of the body.

Emotions and physical conditions. The chakras are connected to a specific area in the body and provide energy to the organs, endocrine glands and nerves. They also respond to vibrations, emotions and colors. The chakras can cause too much that the flow of energy is blocked, resulting in imbalance or illness. This causes complaints in the relevant area.

By treating the chakras, the energy can flow through it again and the person comes back into balance. Energetic healing works on a physical and spiritual level.

It has a relaxing, pain-fighting and healing effect. By treating blockages in the energy field, the body is given the space to recover. The person will literally and figuratively feel comfortable again.

I can also remove blockades.

Do you want to remove blockages such as fears in any area, traumatic experiences, allergies, emotions, grief or blocking thoughts?

After this coaching nothing stands in your way to achieve your goals.

Not by digging into your past for a long time, but by directly working towards a better future. Because the point is not that you are going to figure out everything that has caused you to have a certain blockage, but the point is that you can start living freely again in both your body and your mind.

Living in the here and 'Now' and not in the 'Past'.

That freedom is often within reach after a few sessions and you experience a permanent change, so you can fly free again as a very beautiful butterfly that was first trapped in his or her own cocoon.

When is blocking effective?

No longer feeling comfortable in your body and mind.

For example if you no longer feel comfortable in your current work situation, have a burn-out or experience other types of depression. Or if you want to feel free again after a traumatic experience, see nasty images or hear sounds that bother you or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

If your mind takes the upper hand by not being able to stop a lot of negative and critical thinking about yourself or others.

In short, you want to feel comfortable again after a difficult phase. Who wouldn't want to feel free again in his or her own body and mind? You are the boss and not certain unpleasant situations or thoughts.


The time has come to start processing grief that you have been putting away or fled for so long, which is often a logical reaction. But you don't know how best to approach this. But you clearly feel that the grief and loss greatly hinder you to continue with your life. And to be able to give this grief a place.

With the death of a loved one, we enter a whirlpool of emotions. The loss of an important person or pet causes immense heartache.

In the midst of an all-pervasive sadness, we try to stay upright. Going forward with everyday life. This is important and provides guidance. In addition, we see the importance of processing emotions and we find it healthy that the sadness may be there.
Some people are more successful in admitting these feelings than others. If this does not work, it has to do with previously built up blocks or karmic blocks.

When a grieving process is blocked, we get caught in our grief. We have trouble admitting feelings, both joy and sadness. Our emotional system is disrupted: from the inside out and from the outside in. We are partially closed. This leads to many problems such as difficulty in making decisions and difficulty in living from our core. A grieving process takes place in stages and sometimes lasts a lifetime.

It is not so much about whether you have 'finished' your grief process, maybe you can't even do that. But opening the door to the grief and allowing it for moments is important. Sometimes we suppressed a grief process from the beginning. For example, because we were very young and our environment was not aware of a child's grief. When there are insufficient opportunities for a child to give space to them.

Emotional Blocks

Everything can go quite well, yet someone is unable to show themselves as he or she really is because something is preventing them from being themselves.

He or she prefers to wear a mask to society behind which he or she feels safer and better protected. Behavior that can indicate an emotional blockage can include avoiding activities or events because you are afraid of doing something wrong, constant nervousness, the fear of being rejected, embarrassment, lack of motivation, being constantly concerned with the negative and not being able to find a solution, jealousy, envy, judging instead of understanding etc. Emotional blocks develop out of fear, uncertainty and an inferiority complex. Today, we are generally more sensitive to emotional blocks because we have a greater tendency towards negative thinking rather than positive thinking.

Because when your emotions are positive, your mind unlocks and creativity, naturalness, purity, vulnerability, motivation, joy and spontaneity arise from this.

Relational blocks

If your partner triggers you in an unprocessed pain spot with you.

As a result, you often express your emotions in an unhealthy way and you may even raise your voice or utter reproaches that are unjustified. You can also stop listening and push your feelings away or even tell someone else what to do better.

And before you know it, the same song plays again as it did then. And what is the consequence of this? That this relationship stress will only aggravate your problems, for example putting pressure on intimacy in all areas. Emotions in relationships often play a major role. Especially in love relationships. Often a larger role than, for example, in contacts with colleagues, friendships or neighbors. Because a partner comes much closer. And thus enters your circle. Your partner also spends much more time with you than a colleague or a friend.

You can also often feel a pain and yet you do not tell him that you do not want to hurt or disappoint him. But you are already feeling stuffy and deep down you are afraid of losing him if you start expressing your feelings. A love relationship therefore only applies when you let your emotions flow freely in a healthy way and share it with your partner without any doubt, so you can really feel free and feel that you can be who you want to be without blaming, complaining or by to shut you down.

How about the fact that you would like to have a nice equal relationship on your path but no longer dare to open your heart properly because you have been hurt, put aside by the other, cheating is in the game narcissism, abuse, but still want to experience in a new way how special a new love can feel without experiencing all these bad feelings in yourself. Afraid to start over.

Spiritual blocks

Spiritual growth has become important for more and more people. This is beautiful and in my opinion also badly needed. However, it is not always easy. It has beautiful sides, but it also has its difficult sides. A soul is on earth to learn lessons.

The purpose of a soul is to eventually become some kind of light being. Being a master of yourself going through all the lessons and experiences necessary to achieve this in your life. So to do this, this soul has passed all its initiation trials, situations in which we are placed through ordinary life experiences. This is about:

Following your heart, knowing what you want, achieving high vibration, balancing the masculine and feminine in yourself and learning to forgive.

You run into the same kind of situation over and over.

If you are constantly confronted with something your soul wants you to learn or experience, chances are that you have not yet fully understood this lesson or experience. For example, you always meet people who want to take you down or you cannot let go of a certain fear or emotion.

Forgiveness is so difficult but oh so important

If you forgive someone for what he or she has done to you, you forgive yourself especially. If you do not forgive someone, you will remain in the feeling of fear, powerlessness and anger. This unconsciously costs you an incredible amount of energy. Negative energies in which you linger. You keep spinning in negative circles. If you forgive someone you let go of this and you will have more space and time to have positive thoughts, attract positive things, to believe more in yourself and to follow your heart.

Having positive thoughts

Every thought puts you in the Universe. The Law of Attraction states that if you think something negative you will also attract negative things. It is therefore important to create positive vibration and a positive thought so that you attract that instead of the negative. So fear, anger and being negative brings down the vibration of the earth. These are small things, but if everyone on earth now thinks positively, you will instantly change the earth into a loving society.

Past, present and future

The past has been. It often plays a major role in people's minds and thoughts. It is often about negative experiences or things that we regret. This lowers our vibration. Where's tomorrow? Where's the future? There isn't one yet, so why all those worries about the future. Do you really think that if you worry about the future you are creating a healthy positive future? Let it go! The only reality there is, is this moment. You can fill in the future, but please don't do this with worries ……

Fear blocks

What are fears? A panic attack feels weird. You get various symptoms in your body (palpitations, dizziness, nausea, ...) and you may be afraid of it. But you can do something about it.

Why are you having a panic attack?

This is a question I often hear from my customers: "Mimi", why do I have panic attacks? " An even better question is "How can I prevent a panic attack?". Fortunately, that is also the case. But first let's see what happens.

A panic attack is one of the many defensive responses of our body. In short, your body then prepares to fight or flee, through some danger. Handy if you just came across a wolf or a tiger, a little less handy when you get all those feelings of a panic attack during a conversation with someone, during a meeting, at a restaurant, in the car, when you are alone, when it gets dark, are afraid of losing control of your mind and body, are afraid of death, are afraid of being alone and so on. What then happens is that you may become frightened by the symptoms of the panic attack itself. You probably have no idea why you feel all those things, and the "fear of fear" can begin.

It is just because you are afraid of what you feel and may think that you keep adding a layer of extra fear until you get to the panic attack.

The question remains, where did the original feelings come from? Well, there are many possible causes of a panic attack. Here I would like to help you to get these fears under control!!

The spiritual meaning of physical complaints (blockages)

I often see this question come up. People who have physical problems and wonder whether this is the cause of a spiritual or spiritual blockage. There are a number of physical problems that sometimes have a spiritual blockage as a cause. Here you will find a list of the most common problems.


A (chakra) blockage in the neck and crown. Because it no longer flows here, emotions, thoughts and impulses pile up. What buds in an "explosion" in the head. This blockade can arise from too much life in your head. This will cosmic you out of balance. An extreme pressure to control may also be related to this. Ego and mind are not well aligned.

Neck or sore throat

Possible blockage in the area of ​​the throat chakra. This chakra stands for communication and expression. When we feel that we are not being heard, this chakra can block. The feeling of not being heard creates the problem of not being able to speak and express properly. This stops the energy, causing the flow to stagnate. Furthermore, our neck is the connection between our body and head. So it is very important that this connection does not block because it can cause depression, insecurity and pain.


A (chakra) blockage in the neck and crown. Because it no longer flows here, emotions, thoughts and impulses pile up. What buds in an "explosion" in the head. This blockade can arise from too much life in your head. This will cosmic you out of balance. An extreme pressure to control may also be related to this. Ego and mind are not well aligned.

Neck or sore throat

Possible blockage in the area of ​​the throat chakra. This chakra stands for communication and expression. When we feel that we are not being heard, this chakra can block. The feeling of not being heard creates the problem of not being able to speak and express properly. This stops the energy, causing the flow to stagnate. Furthermore, our neck is the connection between our body and head. So it is very important that this connection does not block because it can cause depression, insecurity and pain.

Intestinal complaints

Not being able to go to the toilet or having to go too often. It is a very annoying problem. Spiritually, your gut may be linked to fear. Are you afraid of someone or the situation that awaits you? Chances are this will affect your gut flora. Violent emotions can also affect the gut.

Stomach complaints

Heartburn and pain are no fun. Often a blockage in the stomach chakra or solar plexus can be the cause of this. This chakra represents your self-image and if it is not okay then it can cause stomach upset. Uncertainties and poor discipline can cause a blockage. Often stomach complaints are therefore accompanied by emotional outbursts.

Back problems

Low back pain is often located along the spine. The backbone is your foundation on which you lean. When you come for a big challenge, for example due to a divorce, loss of a loved one or job loss, you can lose the feeling of security. These emotions of uncertainty can cause back complaints.

Back pain in the middle of the back can come from feelings of betrayal. Someone figuratively stabs a knife in your back. It is also possible that someone continues to bother you when you are not served by it. You feel under pressure and this causes annoying complaints.

If you have pain in the top of the back, this has another cause. This is in connection with your heart chakra. It may be that you feel or give too little love. This can also provoke anger and feelings of injustice. If your heart chakra blocks you can get complaints in the top of your back.

All the above blocks can become an obstacle in your life so that you can no longer function properly in life. That is of course very unfortunate and not necessary.

By means of a healing or healing, I can let you flow again and remove all blockages.
